Thursday 18 August 2016

Restore-SPSite : The operation that you are attempting to perform cannot be completed successfully

Restore-SPSite -Identity "" -Force  -Path "E:\BACKUP\gcs-Prodsitecoll-07132016.bak" -Confirm:$false 

Restore-SPSite : The operation that you are attempting to perform cannot be completed successfully.  No content  databases in the web application were available to store your site collection.  The existing content databases may  have reached the maximum number of site collections, or be set to read-only, or be offline, or may already contain  a copy of this site collection.  

Solution : 

specify the parameters DatabaseServer and DatabaseName details which will fix the issue

Restore-SPSite -Identity "" -Force  -Path "E:\BACKUP\gcs-Prodsitecoll-07132016.bak" -Confirm:$false  -DatabaseServer "inblrinvapp02dp" -DatabaseName "WSS_Content_softwaresupportdev"